Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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that face, that is hilarious
venuu 12/07/2017 22:15:10Autor
Wich face?
Chewys 12/07/2017 23:14:21Oh come on, you already know he's referring to King Piccolo's face.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 13/07/2017 02:22:04Autor
Nono, i truly didn't... i mean Cymbals and Tambourines expressions were pretty funny... but Piccolo here, i don't know... that's why i asked! Don't get mad
Chewys 13/07/2017 03:47:32i meant tenshinhan 2nd face, but now say it piccolo daimaō looks funny either :XD:
venuu 15/07/2017 05:08:34Oh I'm not mad. Seeing as Cymbal and Tambourine aren't even on this page that does kinda confirm that you knew it was King Piccolo's face. Tho after reading his second comment, I guess I was wrong about who he was referring to then. Though I don't see what he finds funny about the 2nd facial expression of Tien seeing as it's pretty much the same as the first, but with the mouth closed instead of open.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 15/07/2017 05:57:50