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Equestrian Wind Mage

Equestrian Wind Mage : manga portada

[Note: updates to this site are on-hold while we sort out a few internal protocols. Newer posts are on the artist's DeviantArt!]

Vaati the Wind Mage, seeking a change in lifestyle, accidentally teleports himself to Equestria. How will the presence of this mysterious character change the course of the Mane 6's friendship?

Artwork by http://shujiwakahisaa.deviantart.com
Story by http://lordsiravant.deviantart.com/
Uploading and translations provided by Nightwave Studios https://www.nightwave.me

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Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : manga - Saga
(Manga (lectura de derecha a izquierda))

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