Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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There are some spelling issues in the page.
,its ''Surgical''.Next in the line are :''Cybernetic'' and ''Lethal''.Also i am not sure if the use of the gerund ''Torturing'' is correct that way,if thats the case try ''painful''
I love dr Gero's characterization.Not the child,the number.For me it showed a very very subtle glimpse of empathy from the good doctor.And how cruel he is man!Chi Chi turns out to be just a guinea pig for the next models
I guess we will see no more from her
John Boredonquixote 23/01/2018 10:43:54First bubble: not a spelling mistake,just the word ''resistant'' doesn't seem right to me for the meaning you are trying to convey.Maybe ''shows/has high endurance'' ?
Second bubble: it seems dr Gero learned spanish form Gerkin
Second panel: its ''Resilience''
All in all great page as usual Chewys
Thanks John!! Fixed
Chewys 23/01/2018 19:13:46Wait so who is Number 10
AnimeChicken 23/01/2018 22:34:07Autor
Mmmm... I guess it's a failure like in Dragon Ball.
Chewys 25/01/2018 00:21:24Also Chewys I was wondering if at some point maybe Dr Raichi and Piccilo Diamao will team up against the Saiyans because they both now have a hatred towards them and Raichi didn't seem surprised at Piccilo being at the multiverse tournament as if he knew him sort of..I dunno I just think it would be cool it would really emphasize the fall of the Saiyans in this universe..I would love to see that and see Bardock going into hiding because of it..just and idea though it's your story after all
AnimeChicken 26/01/2018 20:00:38Autor
Mmmm... Raichi didn´t know Piccolo´s name at the tournament... so most likely they had never met:
Chewys 27/01/2018 03:51:18
That's true and that's what I meant by sort of like maybe they never physically met before then but Raichi knew of his existence..he could potentially lead the charge or serve as a distraction for the Saiyans while Raichi plans a strike? I wouldn't be surprised if Piccilo Diamao was actually a major part in the Saiyan downfall. Otherwise he wouldn't know of him at all instead of just not knowing his name. Also "nameless one" could refer to the nameless son of Katas so that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know him since we know he is one with Kami.
AnimeChicken 27/01/2018 04:57:32Autor
Ahhh, of course, that´s diffrent... i too think Piccollo has an important part in the Saiyan downfall... i mean, he already defeated Gerkin who could have been a Super Saiyan in a few years... who knows what other saiyans will come to challange, scattering saiyan forces, giving Raichi some powerful ghosts...
Chewys 27/01/2018 12:57:58