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Ouroboros 28

that is a light arrow not a silver one.. awell we got an excuse if the attack doesn't work

Ouroboros 29/12/2018 19:18:03   
Salagir 32

I've always put them in the same category, but OF COURSE I'm wrong

Salagir 06/01/2019 09:16:03   
venuu 19

What spin? It is a slash. Is it more Zelda game jokes?

venuu 05/01/2019 04:29:00   
Salagir 32

Yes, i used the name of the biggest attack from Link. And, er... it's a quarter spin, so it counts? :p

Salagir 06/01/2019 09:11:41   
venuu 19

You sure it counts? As i see no spinning happening. All i see is a double slash attack. Mby draw some extra lines for the quarter spinning movement

venuu 06/01/2019 09:25:12   
Chewys 31

Good my young Perfect Gan! Good! I can feel your stillness. Don´t struggle! Keep standing still and fulfill your victory!

Chewys 15/02/2019 14:06:40   
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Sobre el equipo de Super Dragon Bros Z

Super Dragon Bros Z: portada




Autor : ,

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : Salagir

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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