Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Roshi: " He is Chuck Norris. "
Kaioken Krillshinhan 26/12/2018 02:13:26lol
Roshi PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE say the reason is that he's received Ki training and not that he's possessed by Kami.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 05/01/2019 23:30:56I wonder who would have trained him though? Obviously it wasn't Roshi...
Ultimate-Perfection 06/01/2019 02:25:45And Mr. Satan doesn't seem to fight as dirty or be as nasty as Master Crane, or Mercenary Tao, so it's not them either...
King Chappa maybe? Probably not, as Satan's far stronger than him.
Oh! I know! Whis trained Mr. Satan
I dont think Mr Satan recived a Ki trainning and came this far, only Mr Popo could be his master but I dont think so.
ChamanCaido 06/01/2019 23:01:21Must be Kami 99,9% for sure.
I knew it, if there is one cosmic constant in the multiverse, it's that Mr. Satan is the martial arts champion of the world. Although yeah, chances of him not being possessed are very slim right now...
Jason Phoenix 06/01/2019 11:05:40Autor
Mr Satan rocks!!!!
Chewys 07/01/2019 18:07:52