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At first, I thought it was far-fetched because they don't have a container, but as some lad said in the previous page, he just needs to throw him off the ring. Thus, he wins and is clearly taking a senzu (exactly as did Roshi).

Good job, Chewys, you had a very well done idea. Regardless of how strong Haarp is, he can't know the mafuuba, as he never witnessed it.

MATTIA IL DIVINO 27/11/2018 12:58:15   
Chewys 31

Thanks. Actually this is kind of a bitter sweet idea.
I wanted Krillin to have more importance in this tournament... i even thought of making Tien lose and Krillin use the Mafuba to defeat Haarp... but there were several problems with this: this arc stretched too long and i´m starting to get anxious to start with the saiyan part.
Also in DBM we´ve seen Tien using the Mafuba, not Krillin. Still, i´m convinced Krillin can do it too.

I guess kid Krillin wasn´t very important so far (he wasn´t neither in DB before Z)... but this will start to change (as happened in the original) in the next sagas (i have pure epicness planned for him into becoming Mutten Krillin XD).

Chewys 27/11/2018 22:22:33   
Jason Phoenix 11

And he's going, going, aaaaannnd he's gone. Ladies and Gentlemen it's a home run!

Good on Tien, learning the Mafuba after just seeing it once? That would make Fat Buu proud.

Jason Phoenix 27/11/2018 16:39:06   
Chewys 31

Well... in the original series he learned the Kame Hame Ha after seeing it.
And the Mafuba too.
In fact he was presented as a genious, much like Goku, who was able to learn techniques he had just seen once.

As Ultimate-perfection also pointed out, Vegeta was also presented being that kind of genious.

Chewys 27/11/2018 22:16:35   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Go Tien! Go Tien! Hopefully he has enough energy to guide Haarp out of the ring, or even further out of sight, like he did with Banjo. Gohan still has some Senzus, so Tien likely shouldn't die.

@Jason Phoenix

Yes, many fighters in Dragon Ball have shown to have the ability of learning moves after seeing them once!

For example:
Tien with the Kamehameha and the Mafuba

Goku with the Kamehameha, King Chappa's 8-Armed Fist, Solar Flare, Kienzan, etc

Chiaotzu did a much lesser version of this by blowing himself up, similar to how the Saibaman blew up Yamcha.

Vegeta also learned the Kienzan after seeing it a few times from Krillin, as well as the Ki Sensing ability when he sensed the first Spirit Bomb.

Ultimate-Perfection 27/11/2018 17:25:25   
Chewys 31

Although i guess Chiaotzu´s suicide technique was his, i don´t think he copied the Saibaimen

Chewys 27/11/2018 22:25:28   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

Do it Tien! Throw him off. ^^

Amazing artskill.

Kaioken Krillshinhan 29/11/2018 03:12:11   
Chewys 31

Yep, Toriyama is da boss!!!

Chewys 29/11/2018 21:12:48   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




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Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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