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13 comentarios

Well played, dude. Now, eat your senzu and be a good boy.

MATTIA IL DIVINO 01/12/2018 15:59:42   
Chewys 31

Senzu? Who needs that?

Chewys 03/12/2018 00:33:40   
John Boredonquixote 10

Yay!!!! Finally! Everyone let's celebrate for the winner of this awesome fight... I mean me by the way Chewys where are my bet's profits?

John Boredonquixote 01/12/2018 17:43:22   
Chewys 31

Ok... i guess you w-waaaaaaaaaaait a minute! Weren´t you cheering on Haarp!?!?

Chewys 03/12/2018 00:19:10   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Wow, no way! I can't believe Tien was the one to defeat both Demons in the tournament! Well, he won both of them on a technicality, but Tien still managed to pull it off. I was hoping Krillin would fight Haarp in the finals

What is he going to do now? Haarp will be extremely pissed off because he lost to a cheap technique, and might attack Tien. Unless Krillin, Yamcha, Roshi and Gohan all dogpile Haarp at once, things still don't look too good. Haarp still has more than enough energy to fight them all at once though.
Maybe Cyborg Chi-Chi, or Mr. Popo will come in to save the day?

Ultimate-Perfection 01/12/2018 17:48:18   
Chewys 31

I too wanted Krillin to do more... but I guess his time to shine will come in the Z arc.

Chewys 03/12/2018 00:25:38   
Jason Phoenix 11

So, will he accept it? Or will he retaliate? I honestly would like it if he would be left alive, only for one of Gero's cyborg to do him in, maybe Yamcha?

Jason Phoenix 01/12/2018 18:56:45   
Chewys 31

I kinda like him too

Chewys 03/12/2018 00:31:39   
Atan 3

What will Haarp do now? Will he try to kill Tien? Popo will probably crush him in that case...
Oh well... now our true hero... Mr Satan!

Atan 01/12/2018 20:11:32   
Chewys 31

Go Satan!!

Chewys 03/12/2018 00:30:38   
JackOfRivia 1

What a brilliant subversion of expectations, Chews! You subverted the trope of having the final villain be defeated only at the finals. I tip my hat to you, mister. BRAVO!
That said, there is a point that perplexes me a little. I think this Tien is going to be quite different from the original one.
U18 was humbled quite a bit: fight Goku to a standstill in the tenchaichi, ending the winner only by sheer luck; then hei was saved from Piccolo by Goku, who showed him his superior power; then, he failed to defeat Goku at the successive tournament, eho after that proceeded to defeat Piccolo Jr. Saving him and all humanity from his tiranny.
U9 Tien, on the other hand, was saved only once from Piccolo, by Roshi: after that single moment of vulnerability he always wins. He, with just the help of Chiaozu has killed, or defeated all of Piccolos sons. He passed Kami's test, and is the true saviour of the earth.
I think he ll be reasonably proud, if not arrogant, after that. How he can now bond with Krillin and Yamcha, i wonder? He respects Roshi, but from his point of view, Krillin and Yamcha are useless.

JackOfRivia 03/12/2018 13:24:26   
Chewys 31

I too belive Tien is going to be quite diffrent from the original one. After his death in hands of the saiyans, Tien acknowledged his inferiority in U18 and went all alone, abandoning fighting and retiring with Chiaotzu.
This Tien is going to have to keep fighting and developing techniques to the point he is the Tien of the tournament (capable of blocking a Cell Jr. or even vaporizing Ultra Buu)...
So yeah, he is quite more confident on his capabilities than the original one.
And it´s also true that he might still be an asshole in some senses, but i guess he realizes he is weaker than both Haarp and Banjo. And if he doesn´t, i assure you there are some humility lessons incoming.

Chewys 03/12/2018 16:12:24   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

And Haarp cannot just throw a hissifit.
Otherwise the peckingorder will become activated. ^_^


Kaioken Krillshinhan 03/12/2018 13:29:58   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : Chewys

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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