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Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

Why am I not satisfied with this explaination? (°_°)
Bu~t that is still smart thinking from Kami.

And the Autor of course. ^_^

Kaioken Krillshinhan 26/12/2018 02:15:48   
Chewys 31

Well... this "Ability" was never shown in the original manga. So I can understand any reserves you may get.
Still i wanted it to be clear that Kamisama was not participating in body and soul. He´s in the Palace, pulling a Luke Skywalker meditation pose

Chewys 28/12/2018 23:40:56   
Chewys 31

Good news!! I´ve been on a little vacation and i have managed to make several more pages.
So, for a while (for a long while i hope ) we´ll be having page on thursdays again.
That´s tuesday, thursday and saturday. The days we don´t have the real DBM

Also remember on mondays to check Torrijo´s DBT, dbt.amilova.com

Chewys 07/01/2019 18:00:04   
Jason Phoenix 11

Wait, does this mean Mr. Satan has the strength to deflect ki blasts? 0r is it a mental thing? Awesome either way.

I like that, makes it so that Kami doesn't get all of the credit. Although I hope he won't leave now, as much as I would like to see Mr. Satan being the champ, Tien would be very disappointed if he missed the chance to fight actual GOD!

Jason Phoenix 08/01/2019 15:23:43   
Chewys 31

Well, what´s the diffrence between a fighter like Yamcha and Mr. Stan? Muscles? Evidently not, muscles don´t really count. Sure, a trained and resistant body is needed, but more importantly a control of it beyond human limits: mind, body and ki in harmony. I´m sure Mr. Satan´s ki ain´t that much, but the energy flowing through his body being controlled by Kami surely can deflect a Kamehame Ha from Krillin. Maybe his hand stings a little bit though

Chewys 08/01/2019 18:32:35   
John Boredonquixote 10

Woah! I love how Mr.Satan has a big potential as a fighter! Does that mean that he can be a stronger character in this universe than his canon counterpart?

John Boredonquixote 08/01/2019 20:25:39   
Chewys 31

Hehehe, could be.
But it certenly means he has good genes

Chewys 08/01/2019 20:56:28   
Kell Brower 6

Did you mean that Videl may became way stronger than her counterpart on Canon Universe?

Kell Brower 05/02/2021 17:34:07   
venuu 19

So Kami is a bit of a cheater

venuu 17/01/2019 07:01:29   
kcheeb 5

not possessed but controlling mind and body

but isn't possessing controlling mind and body?

kcheeb 06/09/2020 12:34:35   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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