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Chewys 31

This guy needs no introduction

Chewys 15/02/2019 18:31:09   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Umm... Who is this guy again?

Ultimate-Perfection 21/02/2019 19:04:30   
Chewys 31

I thought it was pretty obvious....

It´s Joe Perry from Aerosmith!!

Chewys 21/02/2019 19:09:54   
luca1 6

Helo Haarp

luca1 21/02/2019 10:29:54   
Faloon 2

Yes this must be Haarp's town. I wonder are the Z Fighters strong enough to tackle this threat now?

Faloon 21/02/2019 13:01:24   
Jason Phoenix 11

As people have already guessed, this probably be Casa de Haarp. If he doesn't survive, at least let him have an honourable death. Oh who am I kidding, they're ALL going to die, the only one who could stand a chance is probably Haarp, ironically, and it's only if he kept training. If not, well let's just say he didn't come to the tournament...

Jason Phoenix 21/02/2019 14:57:23   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Though even if he does die, he might still be revived by the DBs. I mean he is pretty much this Universe's Piccolo Jr except his redemption arc started much earlier if you think about it.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 21/02/2019 21:54:58   
AnimeChicken 5

He also has no connection to the dragonballs.

AnimeChicken 23/02/2019 20:58:17   
AnimeChicken 5

Shouldn't it be 762 instead of 462? Also I thought Raditz scouter was green..I mean it doesnt matter I just remember it being green. Nappa had the blue one.

AnimeChicken 22/02/2019 07:34:20   
Chewys 31

Whoooops, yep it's 762.
About the scooter.. . Well, that's Toriyama's coloring...

Chewys 22/02/2019 12:15:18   
AnimeChicken 5

I think the blue scouter was retconned..we both know how forgetful toriyama can be lol..it doesnt matter anyways because I've seen him with both blue and green. I just remember green more for some reason. Regardless I know what panel of the manga that's from so..yeah. but in the full colored it magically turned green lol.

AnimeChicken 22/02/2019 22:58:05   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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