Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Wonder whether they will be able to put up a good fight with Raditz. It'd be funny if Raditz found out Kakarotto had been killed by Coola, thus revolting against him
MATTIA IL DIVINO 29/01/2019 13:14:25Btw, in the first panel it's "warriors", and in the second it's "became".
Thanks!!! Corrected!!
Chewys 29/01/2019 16:25:28Well, well, I am intrigued to see where those two extra years take them.
Faloon 29/01/2019 14:15:32In the original, with one year training they all of them upped their Power Level by at least x10 so with those extra years, well, they might be able to stand against Raditz.
Well... remember Goku trained for 3 years and managed to surpass Piccolo Jr... but certenly not Raditz. In a few pages you'll see their leve... i don't want to spoil...
Chewys 29/01/2019 16:28:04Oh, so they became the guardians of earth! What's the next promotion? Guardians of the galaxy?
John Boredonquixote 29/01/2019 18:51:13Autor
Chewys 29/01/2019 19:08:13So Raditz will land on Earth early then he did in canon?
HyperSonic_1985 29/01/2019 21:31:18Now I wonder how Raditz , Nappa and Vegeta's life are under Cooler in this universe unlike Frieza in must universes?
I bet Cooler is a better boss then Frieza was.
Wait i am missing someone, a certain fat guy that dates the cat Karin
venuu 30/01/2019 02:42:30