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Wonder whether they will be able to put up a good fight with Raditz. It'd be funny if Raditz found out Kakarotto had been killed by Coola, thus revolting against him
Btw, in the first panel it's "warriors", and in the second it's "became".

MATTIA IL DIVINO 29/01/2019 13:14:25   
Chewys 31

Thanks!!! Corrected!!

Chewys 29/01/2019 16:25:28   
Faloon 2

Well, well, I am intrigued to see where those two extra years take them.

In the original, with one year training they all of them upped their Power Level by at least x10 so with those extra years, well, they might be able to stand against Raditz.

Faloon 29/01/2019 14:15:32   
Chewys 31

Well... remember Goku trained for 3 years and managed to surpass Piccolo Jr... but certenly not Raditz. In a few pages you'll see their leve... i don't want to spoil...

Chewys 29/01/2019 16:28:04   
John Boredonquixote 10

Oh, so they became the guardians of earth! What's the next promotion? Guardians of the galaxy?

John Boredonquixote 29/01/2019 18:51:13   
Chewys 31


Chewys 29/01/2019 19:08:13   
HyperSonic_1985 3

So Raditz will land on Earth early then he did in canon?
Now I wonder how Raditz , Nappa and Vegeta's life are under Cooler in this universe unlike Frieza in must universes?
I bet Cooler is a better boss then Frieza was.

HyperSonic_1985 29/01/2019 21:31:18   
venuu 19

Wait i am missing someone, a certain fat guy that dates the cat Karin

venuu 30/01/2019 02:42:30   
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Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

( °_°)

Its so refreshing to see a Demon that is not a stereotype.
Hahaha even Haarp cannot shake off the allure of the booty.


Kaioken Krillshinhan 10/12/2018 07:39:27   
Chewys 31


Chewys 11/12/2018 17:29:34   
Atan 3

And so Lord Haarp will return to his kingdom and his sexy subjects! Call him stupid!
But there no time for him! It's our Hero's turn now! Go Mr Satan! I know you can win the tournament!


Atan 11/12/2018 12:47:26   
Chewys 31

Goooooo Sataannnn!!!


Chewys 11/12/2018 17:29:55   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Yeah, go Mr. Satan. (Please don't be possessed by Kami. I honestly really would love it if I'm right about this Universe's Mr. Satan having received some Ki training from someone.)


Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12/12/2018 01:48:08   
ChamanCaido 22

Jaja no creo que Harp al ser un namekiano corrompido le exciten esas mujeres. Pero es muy probable que su ego juegue a favor de que ya no luche por Piccolo Daimao sino que por él mismo.

No creo que sea ahora un chico bueno, sino que será más como un rival que espera algún día conquistar el mundo entero.

No es como un Vegeta o un Piccolo, sino que sería más como un Freezer que tras terminar el torneo a quedado en una paz temporal con nuestros héroes.

ChamanCaido 11/12/2018 14:39:20   
Chewys 31

Aunque no tenga sexo definido ciertamente tiene sus preferencias sexuales y un género claro

Chewys 11/12/2018 17:36:24   
Luisfer 2

debería llamarse como hacer que un personaje sea querido en 2 páginas algo que ni dragon ball súper logró

Luisfer 06/02/2020 01:51:25   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

I'm surprised Haarp has come to a conclusion this quickly! He seems a lot less angry about losing than Piccolo Jr did. Then again, he has some sexy women to get back home to!

Wait a minute... I thought Namekians were asexual? They don't have reproductive parts, right? Unless Haarp was born with a... Oh gosh, THAT explains why he loves human women so much!


Ultimate-Perfection 11/12/2018 16:29:04   
Chewys 31

Well... you know what the say:the brain is the most powerful sexual organ"

So, he may not have a specific sex, but he clearly has a gender and some sort of libido. Pherhaps he just enjoys having hot girls pressing their bodies to his


Chewys 11/12/2018 17:34:39   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

But Piccolo never liked girls! Unless Piccolo is actually gay?


Ultimate-Perfection 11/12/2018 19:32:31   
Chewys 31

Mmmmm...I don't believe Piccolo has any sexual interest at all...


Chewys 12/12/2018 00:03:14   
Ouroboros 28

I don't think it has nothing to do with sexuality he just realized his subjects treated him better then his father ever did. Why go the extra length for less reward?


Ouroboros 12/12/2018 10:53:15   
Chewys 31



Chewys 12/12/2018 11:17:42   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

I didn't mean it like that. I was making a joke about how that was the only reason why Piccolo liked Gohan so much

But I see my joke wasn't a good one Sorry!


Ultimate-Perfection 15/12/2018 19:33:59   
Ouroboros 28

And then he to is killed my an android


Ouroboros 11/12/2018 17:44:47   
Chewys 31


Chewys 11/12/2018 18:08:48   
shmike 1

So do his "sexy subjects" actually like him. Or do they "like" him out of fear?


shmike 16/12/2018 18:15:55   
Chewys 31

Well... i guess ir must be some kind of "lust" for power... Haarp is green by the way


Chewys 16/12/2018 18:30:07   
RegiFist 2

I actually like this ending.


RegiFist 30/05/2019 10:13:24   
Forofgold 28

Se rindio.

Forofgold 17/06/2021 01:17:08   
Ap0caliptic0t0tal 12

Dios sabe que lo intentaste Harp, es más, por eso mismo el poseyó el cuerpo de Mark.

Ap0caliptic0t0tal 19/12/2023 04:22:39   

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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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