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Pixel-Platypus 2

Hmm, I don't think Tien and Chiaoutzu will be able to hold on long enough for Krillin+Yamcha+Gohan+Roshi to arrive.

Pixel-Platypus 26/03/2019 12:55:54   
godking 1

Mafuba is a thing and it would work on Raddidtz if he was dumb enough (which he is) to taunt his opponents before destroying them.

godking 28/03/2019 19:05:37   
John Boredonquixote 10

Mmmm in the last panel, what do these Gi and Slider, that Yamcha refers to, mean???

John Boredonquixote 26/03/2019 13:04:36   
Chewys 31

Gi is the martial arts uniform.
Slider it's a vehicle that slides

Chewys 26/03/2019 13:23:16   
John Boredonquixote 10

Οh ok! I get it now hahaha!!!

John Boredonquixote 28/03/2019 10:41:00   
Supersavage789 1

I think it makes more sense for bulma to say “hey, why are you so serious?”

Supersavage789 26/03/2019 19:01:52   
Cell3 4

Only Tenshinhan is strong enough to hurt Raditz.

Cell3 27/03/2019 20:01:42   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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