Deux pages? oh ça va xD Tu publies combien de fois par semaine? xD
Traducir hinata-lou 18/02/2013 15:02:06donc tu vas en mettre encore une cette semaine. Et c'est donc la 3e où le nouoveau perso apparaitra? ou j'ai tout faux ? > <
J'ai mis 10 secondes pour découvrir, 10 minutes pour baver et voila maintenant une journée que je me le re-savoure dans ma tête! J'adore! ♥ C'est décidé, je l'ajoute à ma liste de sadique complètement timbré qui ont rendez-vous dans mes favoris! ♥
Traducir Daisukai 19/02/2013 09:59:37C'est un dé suis sous le charme!
J'ai trop hâte de voir la suite!
Est-ce qu'il y aura encore des sène trash comme sa? (dis-je avec un grand sourir sadique)xD
je ne dirai qu'une chose, j'adooooooore ! hâte de voir la suite ^^
Traducir Didou 21/02/2013 20:57:46ce regard est absolument génial, un peu flippant certes, mais génial !!
Traducir la dentelliere 29/04/2015 17:59:05Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Well they don't know that Raditz can sense energy, the best choice would be flash, destroy scouter and hide.... but that is information Tenshian the Awesome doesn't know.
Ouroboros 27/04/2019 10:30:57Raditz is blind. He surely didn't aim his target correctly.
Cell3 27/04/2019 12:58:00Tenshinhan should have jump before to charge his kikoho.
I forget, in the original manga, did Tien have the Solar Flare by the time he fought Goku on the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament?
Jason Phoenix 27/04/2019 18:10:26You can see in the last panel that he opened his eye a little, so he probably aimed correctly, but if he did...
Tien actually first used the Solar Flare in the 22nd Martial Arts Tournament, during his semi-final match against Jackie Chun/Master Roshi, and again in the finals against Goku. (to which Goku steals Roshi's sunglasses and counters Tien's move.)
Ultimate-Perfection 27/04/2019 20:04:18I also learned some interesting trivia, in that "Taiyoken" means "Fist of the Sun" in Japanese!
The English name "Solar Flare" ties in nicely with this, because the disruptive nature of the blinding light is similar to a real solar flare, which the increased brightness in the Sun can actually interfere with the Earth's ionosphere and long-range radio communications.
It's a good parallel Dragon Ball as well, since Krillin's Solar Flare x 100 can disrupt a fighter's ability to sense Ki, like it did with Gohan in Dragon Ball Super.
Yienzu 27/04/2019 19:56:20Raditz sure knows how to shoot giant energy beams! That's the second one of that size he has fired. Tien had better hurry up with charging his Kikoho, since Saiyans seem to recover from the Solar Flare more quickly than a Human, like we saw with Great Ape Vegeta in DBZ.
Ultimate-Perfection 27/04/2019 20:08:13Already? Goodbye Tien, now without him I can't really see how Krillin and Yamcha will handle it, Tien was their best shot with the Kikoho.
Rafael955 28/04/2019 17:39:11i see an almost dead tien giving the kikoho energy to krilin, menber' veget/goku ? :p
saigne-crapaud 28/04/2019 22:34:16awesome pages, thanks for the work again