Autor : Gogéta Jr, Asura00, Salagir
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Robot Panda, TroyB
Versión original: Français
Tipo : manga
Género : Comedia
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something tells me the Orc is really gonna stop to say hello xD
lauramma 31/12/2011 17:35:20lauramma ha dicho:something tells me the Orc is really gonna stop to say hello xD
johandark 31/12/2011 19:06:56Yep his pose is not ready for an attack.. is more like.. Help me please!! xD
johandark ha dicho:lauramma ha dicho:something tells me the Orc is really gonna stop to say hello xD
Ouroboros 01/01/2012 17:33:02Yep his pose is not ready for an attack.. is more like.. Help me please!! xD
More like "Eeek a Dwarf!"
Epic facepalm :p :p
XplosiX 01/01/2012 22:05:29Lance reminds me so mutch of gourry from slayers
teclar 02/01/2012 15:07:26teclar ha dicho:Lance reminds me so mutch of gourry from slayers
Diogenes Mota 09/01/2012 06:40:05Maybe he was based on him (or maybe Gourry was based on the archetypal of the not-so-smart warrior, as much as Lance).
He was a lot based on him. Gourry is the prototype of good nice paladin.
Salagir 09/01/2012 11:13:34But Lance is smart... I assure you.
Salagir ha dicho:He was a lot based on him. Gourry is the prototype of good nice paladin.
Diogenes Mota 09/01/2012 12:13:23But Lance is smart... I assure you.
Well, if you say so. As a matter of fact, I always imagined warriors as smart fighters, who knows when to attack, when to defend, knowledgeable about different martial arts, strategists achieving great deeds through a combination of might and wits. The prototype of the not-so-smart warrior I would apply to barbarians, being too strong, but to berserker to think about their actions.
i love this guy ^^ he's so cute !
Esteryn 06/01/2012 17:47:19