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8 comentarios
Toh 7

Great job on the comics! It has potential and I like it a lot Keep it up!

Toh 25/10/2011 21:39:17   
Keruo Nasumishi 1

Wow. You're awesome And you're also Ikki's fan. ^^" Keep up the good work!

Keruo Nasumishi 25/10/2011 21:45:38   
TroyB 41

Great art and great avatar Ikki ^^ .
Go present yourself and your manga on the message board we want to know more about you !!!

TroyB 25/10/2011 23:47:00   
Byabya~~♥ 36

This is exceptional, when the French translation? ♥

Byabya~~♥ 27/10/2011 21:40:31   
Ikki San Gaspar 2

Toh ha dicho:Great job on the comics! It has potential and I like it a lot Keep it up!:gentleman-pipe:

Thanks a lot! xD

Keruo Nasumishi ha dicho:Wow. You're awesome And you're also Ikki's fan. ^^" Keep up the good work!

Haha! Thanks!! I've been Ikki's fan since the beginning. Though what's happening in the latest air gear manga is quite disappointing. hehe xD

TroyB ha dicho:Great art and great avatar Ikki ^^ .
Go present yourself and your manga on the message board we want to know more about you !!!

Byabya~~♥ ha dicho:This is exceptional, when the French translation? ♥

Thank you so much! I'll be posting a For translation version of this after the weekend because I'm out of town right now. I'll update my profile and the manga as soon as I get back! Thanks for the support guys! xD

Ikki San Gaspar 28/10/2011 04:58:37   
Ashura Thor 27

Welcome! You have a good level!

Ashura Thor 28/10/2011 08:46:51   
johandark 34

Yep it has potential! Good work! (interesting flashback!)

johandark 28/10/2011 15:11:21   
Smiley 8

god this page got me when i saw rowell under that monster good job,you are very good!

Smiley 04/12/2011 11:23:58   
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Autor :

Equipo : ,

Versión original: English

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción

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