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Ouroboros 28

sayians when they can't win by power alone they cheat.


Ouroboros 27/11/2017 19:11:42   
Chewys 31

Well, i guess it's not cheating... it's their ability after all.


Chewys 28/11/2017 11:40:47   
AnimeChicken 5

Technically it is their power the Oozaru is considered one of their transformations..thats like saying "Goku cheated by going super saiyan on nameck"


AnimeChicken 28/11/2017 16:02:54   
Ouroboros 28

but goku did cheat on namek


Ouroboros 28/11/2017 19:30:37   
ChamanCaido 22

Piccolo destruirá la luna artificial o superará a sus oponentes en un combate directo?

ChamanCaido 27/11/2017 23:06:07   
Chewys 31

Quién sabe? Habrá que ver su poder.

Chewys 28/11/2017 11:38:49   
Lourea 1

Super interesante!. Y cuándo saldrá la próxima página?

Lourea 30/11/2017 22:53:33   
Chewys 31

Mañana con suerte si me arreglaron para hoy la PC

Chewys 01/12/2017 21:32:30   
venuu 19

awww, not the dub line aboot goku's father being a scientist, although saying raditz instead or at least a long the lines or what if that is raditz ancestor who invented the cheating. btw i think there is a space between what and the 's, but there isn't suppose 2 be 1


venuu 29/11/2017 22:18:21   
Ouroboros 28

if i recall DBM made it so that old king vegeta created the ball


Ouroboros 01/12/2017 17:42:53   
Dunified 2

yo Chewys, when's the new update? :-)


Dunified 01/12/2017 09:30:31   
Chewys 31

Hey!! Should hace be en yesterday bit muy computer broke down.
So luckily i'll be cable todo pick it no from the repairs and upload forma tomorrow


Chewys 01/12/2017 21:30:57   
Forofgold 28

No se si una luna artificial se puede destruir, de lo contrario lo habrian hecho en el manga digo yo.

Forofgold 17/06/2021 00:11:05   
Ap0caliptic0t0tal 12

Siguiente capítulo: Daimaoh vs furros.

Ap0caliptic0t0tal 03/12/2023 05:09:57   

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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

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Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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