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Chewys 31

Wouldn't it be more accurate "the otherworld" or "the afterlife"?

Chewys 09/09/2019 02:15:12   

It's changed now.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 09/09/2019 12:18:32   
Chewys 31

Chewys 09/09/2019 13:04:00   
Atan 3

There is a typo: UniEverse

Atan 10/09/2019 10:25:57   
Jason Phoenix 11

I see I'm not the only one suffering from the curse of the Deviantart Water Mark...
In any case, it'll be good to see King Kai! And he'll have quite the party up his planet, with Krillin and Tien, maybe Chiautsu and Gohan and heck, maybe even Popo as well.

Jason Phoenix 10/09/2019 10:19:23   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Jason Phoenix ha dicho:I see I'm not the only one suffering from the curse of the Deviantart Water Mark...

Damn if I hadn't read your comment, I would've never noticed it.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/09/2019 12:56:02   
Jason Phoenix 11

That's my B, sorry about that.

Jason Phoenix 10/09/2019 19:43:55   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Heh, that's not a watermark; that's just the kanji of King Kai's old master!

Quite indeed. King Kai will have many visitors on his planet. However, will he actually accept that many people to train with him?
Goku was only admitted to King Yemma's office because Kami requested permission for him to train with King Kai. Except in U9, Kami is still busy fighting Raditz, so will he even be able to escort the fallen Earthlings to Yemma yet?

Ultimate-Perfection 10/09/2019 19:18:36   
Cattivone 3

In canon series we never had the chance to see Tenshinan nor Jiaozi nor Yamcha in action after visiting Kai in the otherworld. Pretty excited at the idea of seeing them facing Vegeta in one year.
Only question is: how will they get rid of Raditz? I wad expecting Crilin's final blow to kill him, but it wasn't the case.

Cattivone 10/09/2019 10:49:10   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Well canonically I don't think we even know if Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo even went to King Kai's planet. Hell Piccolo actually definitely shouldn't've went to King Kai's planet as since he was evil and had only barely started the path to redemption, he should've never kept his body and been sent to Hell in the same way that Vegeta didn't keep his body and was sent to Hell when he died during Buu Saga. Hell the only reason Goku went to train on King Kai's planet was because he needed to get stronger and being dead already, King Kai was a great way for him to train to get even stronger than he could training alongside the rest of the Z Fighters on Kami's Lookout.

As for getting rid of Raditz, I actually don't think they have to do that at all. Raditz should've only arrived on Earth to seek out Kakarot to aid them in the Helior Mission. The only reason that they fought Raditz was because he was a threat to Earth and therefore they needed to defend Earth from that potential threat. I honestly think if they never fought him, he would've left Earth on his own once it became obvious that Kakarot wasn't alive and on Earth. To be honest, I don't even think that Vegeta and Nappa will come as I think Raditz will return to them and they will attempt the Helior mission with just the three of them and just like in U19 where they also did that, they will die on Helior.

I think the next time they will face a major threat to Earth will be when Cooler decides it's time to send people to conquer this Earth planet. Though by the time that he does so, I think they'll have received training in Other World and even maybe have time to continue training on Earth. This likely means they'll easily defeat whichever minions he sends and he'll keep sending wave after wave of stronger forces until he gets tired of his men dying and heads there himself with his Armored Squadron to back him up.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/09/2019 12:51:39   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami ha dicho:Well canonically I don't think we even know if Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo even went to King Kai's planet. Hell Piccolo actually definitely shouldn't've went to King Kai's planet as since he was evil and had only barely started the path to redemption, he should've never kept his body and been sent to Hell in the same way that Vegeta didn't keep his body and was sent to Hell when he died during Buu Saga. Hell the only reason Goku went to train on King Kai's planet was because he needed to get stronger and being dead already, King Kai was a great way for him to train to get even stronger than he could training alongside the rest of the Z Fighters on Kami's Lookout.

I hate to sound rude, but have you read the manga recently? Piccolo and the Earthlings making it to King Kai is actually canon. A lot of people surprisingly don't know this!

They all meet with Kami (off-screen) in the Other World (despite him now being dead), who was still able to grant Piccolo and the others permission to train with King Kai with approval from King Yemma.

We first see Piccolo and the others with King Kai in Chapters 260 and 261, when King Kai learns of Goku going to Namek and interrupting him to say that all of his friends successfully made it to his planet.

We see them again in Chapters 292 and 293, when Piccolo uses King Kai to talk Gohan into wishing him, Kami and Earth's Dragon Balls back with Porunga, as well as him being teleported to Namek to fight Frieza.

There are more minor appearances of the Earthlings with King Kai during the battle with Frieza on Chapters 309, 312, 313, 316, 320, 321, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328 and 329. All of which are scenes with King Kai whenever he gives exposition to what is happening throughout Goku and Frieza's fight.

The major differences between the manga and the anime is that we never see the four's training regimen with King Kai in the manga.
Their training with Bubbles and Gregory; the sparring match between Piccolo vs Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu; and the latter three vs Recoome, Jeice, Burter and Guldo is all obviously anime filler.

Toriyama likely didn't want to bother showing anything because we had already seen everything that Goku did with King Kai earlier in the Saiyan Saga. It would have been pointlessly repetitive to show off more of the same training again, so Toriyama just wrote them off-screen to "do everything Goku did but make it tougher". The anime only got away with it due to padding out the wait time between manga chapters.

Ultimate-Perfection 11/09/2019 01:43:00   
Cattivone 3

Doesn't sound like a rude answer to me.
And you're totally right.

Cattivone 11/09/2019 11:37:00   
kcheeb 5

yamcha is the only person whos around to defeat raditz. he isnt killed but is seriously injured and is turned into cyborg

kcheeb 13/09/2019 04:08:42   
kcheeb 5

yamcha is the only person whos around to defeat raditz. he isnt killed but is seriously injured and is turned into cyborg

kcheeb 13/09/2019 04:08:45   

Come to think of it, mayby Gohan will find Ox King in otherworld.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/09/2019 11:54:08   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

It's very possible that they could meet up in Heaven. I have a feeling that the elderly Gohan might want to stay dead as he had his time on Earth and lived a full life already.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/09/2019 12:42:18   

It's the second time Gohan died. He can't come back.

But you're right that would be awesome!

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/09/2019 13:13:33   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Or, maybe Gohan will decide to retire from fighting altogether and try to woo those brunette ladies he always talked about in the original story!

Ultimate-Perfection 12/09/2019 00:16:58   
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Chewys 31

Imagen se portada sacada de seiyadbzfan! En Deviantart.

Chewys 08/09/2019 15:22:54   

cuándo regresan las tres páginas por semana ?

RIP€R 10/09/2019 18:25:20   
ChamanCaido 22

Esta portada indica que se viene el entrenamiento con Kaio de seguro para Tenshinhan, Krilin y Chaoz. Falta confirmar Yamcha que me pareció que aún esta vivo, me pregunto si morirá o será este momento en que lo rapte la RR. Me pregunto si el androide de Chi Chi podria hacerle algo al Raditz debilitado.

ChamanCaido 11/09/2019 01:50:19   
Prince Raditz 4

Aquí hay 2 opciones, o Raditz huye, obtiene un zenkai y vuelve al cabo de 1 año con Nappa y Vegeta y son aniquilados todos juntos gracias al kaio Ken, o bien kamisama acaba con Raditz antes de que este pueda huir en su nave espacial.

Lo que está claro es que ten, yamcha y krillin se van a volver mucho más poderosos llegando tranquilamente a las 10.000 cada uno. Chaoz obviamente no estará a la altura y probablemente muera con los saibamen xDD

Prince Raditz 11/09/2019 12:21:58   

Chiaotzu no volverá a la vida, ha estado muerto antes.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 11/09/2019 14:47:52   
JOB12345678910 1

Venga Tio, que esto esta muy bueno.Ellos no van a perder tiempo como goku y de seguro maximo llegan al poder asi.
Ten shin han 12.000
Krillin 10.000
chaoz 5.000 pero no puede revivir
Yamcha 9.500

JOB12345678910 12/09/2019 01:00:20   
DEMauritius 24

Ben forcément ! Si tout le monde s'est fait dézingué...
C'est un peu facile, tout de même...


DEMauritius 12/09/2019 10:37:07   
Forofgold 28

Bueno, al menos los muertos no estan del todo muertos por lo que veo.

Forofgold 17/06/2021 02:13:36   

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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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