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saigne-crapaud 2

of course it's Yamcha who screw it here ;p

saigne-crapaud 01/10/2019 10:38:50   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Not only that, but he described them in great detail unlike Piccolo in the original series who just offhand mentioned that they could use a wish on the DBs to bring Goku back to life.

In the main series, Vegeta just assumed "wish" implied that anything can be requested with a "wish" and not just reviving the dead. In this version of the story, Vegeta straight up knows that they can grant any wish because Yamcha straight up says it while he's bragging about how the DBs are so awesome and can revive his friends with a wish that can be made to wish for anything, not just reviving the dead.

Sure in the end run, what Yamcha says here and what Piccolo said in the original still results in Vegeta and Nappa coming to Earth, but in the original they likely came hoping the DBs could grant immortality and if they couldn't then at least figuring they could revive Raditz as a consolation prize instead.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 04/10/2019 09:32:23   
HyperSonic_1985 3

Nice job Yamcha.

HyperSonic_1985 01/10/2019 13:05:01   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Of course, it has to be Yamcha who says it! Although I'll cut him some slack, since it originally was Piccolo who goofed up and spilled the beans on the Dragon Balls. Also Yamcha, you are wrong about Raditz's death not serving any purpose. Now you will be facing many increasingly powerful intergalactic aliens for the next few years or so!
Plus it will be even worse if Dr. Gero actually manages to collect more DNA for his ultimate creation: Cell as well.

I'm also guessing Gohan, Roshi and Chiaotzu will all stay dead because they've already died and been wished back once by Shenron. This may be the end for their character arcs.

I'm really curious to see what happens next. If Raditz was this much stronger than his U18 counterpart, then I bet Nappa and Vegeta are slightly stronger as well. I'd say Vegeta would be above Cui easily, but below Dodoria.

Due to Cooler killing Frieza and many of his men aboard his ship, he might be lacking on personnel. I could really see Vegeta becoming one of Cooler's lieutenants, playing a similar role to how Zarbon and Dodoria were for Frieza.

Ultimate-Perfection 01/10/2019 17:28:47   

First they'll all have a nice family trip to king kai's planet. And then Roshi and King Kai will spend their days looking telepaticly at women. =D

Well you know, Roshi can at least follow the action telepathicly from King Kai's backyard. When Vegeta and Nappa invade.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 01/10/2019 17:40:20   
kcheeb 5

king kai is not like that. u are confusing his character with old kaioshin

kcheeb 01/10/2019 22:30:41   

Ah you're right. King Kai's the kai who likes to crack jokes and brag about his car.
Welll anyway, Roshi and co's arc's should continue for a while even if they can't come back anymore. After all they can still move around in the otherworld. And they will be able to follow the invasion telepathicly from King Kai's planet.

But once the others are revived... well that will be goodbye.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 01/10/2019 23:09:14   
Demerzel 9

" If Raditz was this much stronger than his U18 counterpart" Why that?? For me it's just that at this moment the team is not as strong as goku and piccolo are in U18

Demerzel 02/10/2019 16:52:06   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

What I meant is Chewys buffed up U9 Raditz's power level to be higher than his U18 counterpart. He said this in the comments on Chapter 18, Page 22.

U18 Raditz is rated around 1,200, while U9 Raditz is 1,350 due to being under Cooler's influence and experiencing more battles.

Ultimate-Perfection 02/10/2019 17:15:51   

Cooler had some rebelions happen when he took onver Freezer's and King Cold's territories. So he had to consolidate his power. In the other universes those planets didn't rebel.

Vegeta and Nappa where tough enough, but Raditz had to toughen up a bit to crush them.
That's why he's stronger than in u18.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 02/10/2019 17:43:24   

The earthlings are also a bit weaker than Goku and Piccolo where. I made a list a couple of pages back. All taken from either Chewys or the scouter readings (here and in manga)

Piccolo's strongest special beam canon 1480
Raditz (this uiverse/u9) 1350

Tien's kikoho 1339 (which would have gotten u18 Raditz)

Raditz manga (u18) 1200

Goku (at the time) 416

Piccolo (at the time) 408

Tien u9 406

Kami 392

Krillin u9 388

Yamcha u9 365

Master Roshi u9 315

Mr Popo 302

Haarp (the ladies man dictator/demon) u9 279

Chiaotzu u9 above 240

Gohan u9 228

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 02/10/2019 17:55:55   
jassim26 1

Ultimate-Perfection ha dicho:
If Raditz was this much stronger than his U18 counterpart,

Hmmmm...I won't say he's stronger, just not as careless as his U18 counterpart. People seems to forget at that time Raditz was a lot stronger than Goku & Piccolo and could easily killed them both if he took the fight more seriously.

jassim26 02/10/2019 18:56:34   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

While I agree with what you said about U9 Raditz being less careless, Chewys did confirm that U9 Raditz is indeed slightly stronger than DBZ Raditz. Chewys wrote this on Chapter 18, Page 22. DBZ Raditz's power level is around 1,200. U9 Raditz is at 1,350.

Chewys said that U9 Raditz had to become stronger in order to make it through Cooler's transition of Frieza's former armies being absorbed into his own. Perhaps Cooler has tougher standards for his soldiers to follow, and thus wanted fighters of a higher minimum power level? Raditz is seen as the weakest soldier who could physically manipulate his own ki without the aid of technology (like those arm guns that low-tier Planet Trade soldiers had).

Raditz even says that a low level squad is powerful enough to take over Earth now with only Kami and Yamcha left, which implies that Raditz is still above many soldiers in Cooler's army.

Ultimate-Perfection 04/10/2019 01:49:36   
TotalmentoTulio 19

Well, now the formation of the Earth will be much more intense with the Kami-Sama as teacher and training partner of Yamcha, Hercules] [Mr. Satan, the Yajirobe (will we be going to see this chubby bastard actually trained?).

The Chapa King (for me having to mix with some surprise technique), Nam is checking that Ranfan will roll trying to laugh, if that happens, of course. But the good thing about this alternative DB universe and that in the end we will see the aids that Akira Toriyama threw in the trash will be servile. The human Z warriors, the true protectors of the Earth and the North Galaxy, will be the true saviors of the universe (9).

TotalmentoTulio 04/10/2019 20:54:54   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Ultimate-Perfection 01/10/2019 17:28:48   
John Boredonquixote 10

Oh Yamcha... You had a badass moment and you just had to destroy it...

Even Kami is thinking ''Duuude''

John Boredonquixote 01/10/2019 23:46:34   
Rafael955 4

Goddamnit Yamcha!!!

Rafael955 03/10/2019 06:06:32   
Jason Phoenix 11

Pfft, I knew if it was gonna be one of those two, it had to be Yamcha.

Jason Phoenix 04/10/2019 00:41:09   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Not only does Yamcha spill the beans about the DBs reviving the dead, but he described them in great detail unlike Piccolo in the original series who just offhand mentioned that they could use a wish on the DBs to bring Goku back to life.

In the main series, Vegeta just assumed "wish" implied that anything can be requested with a "wish" and not just reviving the dead. In this version of the story, Vegeta straight up knows that they can grant any wish because Yamcha straight up says it while he's bragging about how the DBs are so awesome and can revive his friends with a wish that can be made to wish for anything, not just reviving the dead.

Sure in the end run, what Yamcha says here and what Piccolo said in the original still results in Vegeta and Nappa coming to Earth, but in the original they likely came hoping the DBs could grant immortality and if they couldn't then at least figuring they could revive Raditz as a consolation prize instead.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 04/10/2019 09:45:30   
Demerzel 9

I re-read the manga yesterday (french translation) and Piccolo said to raditz that there is something on earth allowing to grant any wish

Demerzel 04/10/2019 09:59:34   
Chewys 31

Yep, Yamcha said almost exactly the same words as Piccolo.

Chewys 04/10/2019 12:42:14   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Really? Maybe it's just the English dub anime that has Piccolo mention it the way that I said OR maybe I'm totally misremembering it because it has been a while since I last saw that episode of DBZ and while I've seen DBZ enough times to remember most things correctly, it's not like I can remember everything in DBZ exactly as it happened in the anime, so it's possible I could've remembered incorrectly.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 05/10/2019 12:55:15   
Demerzel 9

well there are a lot of differences between the anime and the manga anyway

Demerzel 05/10/2019 13:16:57   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

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Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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