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7 comentarios
CrashBoomBang 11

trying out the fantasy outfit (cover) ^^... and the wood is getting darker...

CrashBoomBang 21/11/2011 09:11:21   
Esteryn 33

it's interesting this idea of a bird from a dream !

Esteryn 22/11/2011 14:08:46   
CrashBoomBang 11

Esteryn ha dicho:it's interesting this idea of a bird from a dream !
Thanks. I really don't know where this idea came from, but recently I found an article about Finnish tradition where there are soul bird who guaerd ones soul wihle asleep. So it turns out finnish people had a similar idea I kinda like that Soul Bird thing.

CrashBoomBang 22/11/2011 15:21:02   
Esteryn 33

Reminds me of The crow also which guards restless souls when they're dead.

Esteryn 22/11/2011 18:04:07   
CrashBoomBang 11

Esteryn ha dicho:Reminds me of The crow also which guards restless souls when they're dead.

CrashBoomBang 22/11/2011 21:14:04   
Maew-RS 2

She's start annoying. ^^;

Maew-RS 26/11/2011 14:45:06   
CrashBoomBang 11

Maew-RS ha dicho:She's start annoying. ^^;

CrashBoomBang 26/11/2011 15:38:43   
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Sobre el equipo de Bird - complete

Bird - complete: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , ,

Versión original: English

Tipo : manga

Género : Thriller


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