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Len 19

Everytime I read a page of your manga, I hear the musics of Detroit Metal City in my head... But the singer really makes me think of the singer of the band Deathstars!
Nice art, by the way, and can't wait to know more about the story ! Good luck!

Len 31/10/2011 19:01:17   
TroyB 41

Len ha dicho:Everytime I read a page of your manga, I hear the musics of Detroit Metal City in my head... But the singer really makes me think of the singer of the band Deathstars!
Nice art, by the way, and can't wait to know more about the story ! Good luck!

The music of DMC > does it really exist ? I mean is there an OST of DMC ?

TroyB 31/10/2011 19:02:51   
Len 19

TroyB ha dicho:The music of DMC > does it really exist ? I mean is there an OST of DMC ?
Oh Troy, does that mean you didn't see the live movie of DMC?

Len 31/10/2011 22:47:22   
TroyB 41

Awesome art, really excellent, congratulations, every page is cool !

TroyB 31/10/2011 19:03:11   
Keiden 31

Ton graphisme est vraiment impressionnant !! hum ... Je le qualifierai de puissant, c'est l'adjectif qui s'en rapproche le plus selon moi xP
J'adhere totalement ! =o

Keiden 03/11/2011 20:54:31   
Gumi-Floudas 1

i love this!!! its so good!!!!

Gumi-Floudas 03/03/2013 06:43:05   
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Sobre el equipo de SPREE★KILLER





Autor :

Equipo : , , ,

Versión original: 日本語

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Lunes, Jueves, Domingo

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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