Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : tze
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Incredible! This is amazing work and I feel like I'm almost apart of some kind of movie. ;3 Can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work! <3
Bliss 25/01/2011 20:03:07Yeah, the story is really starting to take off
ceco1 26/01/2011 08:17:10Autor
Thanks for your support
TroyB 26/01/2011 12:44:34> Incredible! This is amazing work and I feel like I'm almost apart of some kind of movie. ;3 Can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work! <3
Thank that's a very sweet and motivating comment
> Yeah, the story is really starting to take off
Next pages coming, I hope you'll like them
TroyB ha dicho:
ceco1 27/01/2011 11:57:07> Yeah, the story is really starting to take off
Next pages coming, I hope you'll like them
I know that I will
ceco1 ha dicho: ha dicho:

TroyB 27/01/2011 12:01:48&gt; Yeah, the story is really starting to take off
Next pages coming, I hope you'll like them
I know that I will
Soon, soon... Diogo, Salagir or I will take care of it super soon
Awesome ^^ keep on going ^^
Jorgee-alveS17 30/01/2011 14:44:38Autor
Jorgee-alveS17 ha dicho:Awesome ^^ keep on going ^^
TroyB 31/01/2011 09:38:30Thanks
Diogo will add new pages of chapter 2 very soon, hope you'll like it !
I know deep inside that I'm doing the right thing. And that my real life has just begun.
DanB 07/03/2011 11:41:20And great first chapter! Feel free to ignore or delete my writing suggestions.
DanB 07/03/2011 11:42:03love it so far, very exciting and interesting story so far... nice to be one of the first to see it
andros 24/03/2011 19:10:20Incredible Keep up the good work
BarbarianDoc 14/05/2011 12:07:51Really liking the story up to now
Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 23:49:25Great view!
Mart 04/11/2011 10:53:37Autor
Mart ha dicho:Great view!
. This is a tribute to a city I love... Prague is very cool
TroyB 04/11/2011 11:46:48Glad you like it
TroyB ha dicho:Mart ha dicho:Great view!
. This is a tribute to a city I love... Prague is very cool
Mart 04/11/2011 12:09:29Glad you like it
Me too, great architecture!
can you top that?
forbes 13/10/2012 00:01:16