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21636 visitas
10 comentarios
DanB 2

1: You macho, superficial meat-head! I loved you and you didn't even have the balls to tell me it was over? I flew all the way across Europe so you could freaking break up with me?!
2: Woah. Calm down
3: I cannot BELIEVE I let you play with me like that. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen in love with an asshole like you?!

DanB 24/02/2011 18:59:53   
TroyB 41

DanB ha dicho:1: You macho, superficial meat-head! I loved you and you didn't even have the balls to tell me it was over? I flew all the way across Europe so you could freaking break up with me?!
2: Woah. Calm down
3: I cannot BELIEVE I let you play with me like that. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen in love with an asshole like you?!

Yay ! Done thanks !

TroyB 28/02/2011 15:20:38   
Diogenes Mota 8

And the vulcan exploded.

Diogenes Mota 28/06/2011 23:04:33   
ssj Hunter 1

she is pissed

ssj Hunter 08/10/2011 21:44:22   
forbes 10

An other great work thanks

forbes 12/10/2012 21:50:04   
Madkarly 2

Love the look of your fire

Madkarly 12/11/2012 21:24:12   
Snowjay 1


Snowjay 12/04/2013 08:52:26   
bbg100 1

To me, that is called for.

bbg100 27/06/2013 20:35:11   
Re-al Boss 5

she's gonna do it

Re-al Boss 07/07/2013 14:37:26   
Corey_S 1

Well i guess she's the one ROASTED

Corey_S 06/06/2018 12:14:37   
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