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The supersoldier

The supersoldier : comic portada

Comics started in the 2000s that I took over, it tells the story of a group of supersoldiers in the near future under the background of an alien plot.

Dibujante :

Versión original : Français

Actualizado en : Terminado

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : Cómics - Saga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

1229 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Claralane Claralane 24jun ch11 p58 Brilliant comic! Loved every panel .If you’re looking for quality assignments, you can visit Quality Assignment. . This website (...)
Delta75 Delta75 18may ch12 p15 It's finish. There is still a poster and the end cover. But the universe still lives, reading in French. But a translation can be (...)
Delta75 Delta75 11may ch12 p13 The last two pages remain an artwork, the announcement of the sequel and the end cover.
Delta75 Delta75 4may ch12 p11 Two new pages.
Delta75 Delta75 27abr ch12 p9 Two new pages, we are slowly getting closer to the end.
Delta75 Delta75 20abr ch12 p7 Two new pages.
Delta75 Delta75 13abr ch12 p5 Two news pages.
Delta75 Delta75 6abr ch12 p3 Two new pages.
Delta75 Delta75 30mar ch12 p1 Last chapter. Two new pages. :)
Delta75 Delta75 23mar ch11 p58 Three new pages. There is one last shorter special left and the story will be finished.
Delta75 Delta75 17mar ch11 p56 Two new pages. :)
Delta75 Delta75 9mar ch11 p54 Two new pages. :)
Delta75 Delta75 2mar ch11 p52 Two new pages. :)
Delta75 Delta75 24feb ch11 p49 3 new pages.
emmaagro emmaagro 19feb ch11 p47 Super Soldier. Chapter 11. Super Soldier ManhuaA generation of soldier, betrayed by a traitor, resulting in the fall of their conf (...)
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