But if I remember the Mafubas radius from Tien was way smaller as the one from Roshi.
Haarp may dodge this one if he moves smart.
Impressive, but does he have a container?
Also, did they forget this is a tournament? I wouldn't say this normally, but since Goku is ok with giving Cell a sensu (stupidest thing he ever did btw) you'd think they would follow the rules.
He doesn't really needs a container. Like you say yourself, it is a tournament. If he uses the Mafuba to guide Haarp out of the ring instead of inside a container, he won the match and the Earthlings passed Kami Sama's test.
If Haarp attacks after his lose in the tournament, the other Earthlings can work together (and give Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu a senzu bean). Even Mr Popo and Kami himself can intervene because he is breaking the rules, just like his brother before him.
There still is the theory Kami took over Mr Satan's body (I don't know about that theory, it would be more fun of everybody left after they passed Kami Sama's tests and he is the champion by default. Maybe to combine the 2 theories Kami did took over his body and leaves to with the heroes to prepare them for something and Mr Satan is whole confused crowned champion) so maybe Kami Sama is already at the tournament.
With the Mafuba, you can not only throw your opponent in a container but also on the ground, like Ten Shin Han did against the creature created by Piccolo Daimao when his container was destroyed (in the original Dragon Ball). I think he will use this technique to get Haarp out of the ring. It could work!
Traducir Tako Kakuta 24/11/2018 15:08:38Mmm... I don't think it will work. Maybe Haarp knows how to counter it... I still hope in Crilin Vs Haarp as final fight. But there aren't many pages left (if MrSatan Vs Crilin will be a serious fight)
Traducir Atan 24/11/2018 16:34:33Wow, ahora que lo recuerdo Tenshinhan usó el mafuba para atrapar a Majim Buu en el torneo y casi lo logra si no fuera porque este dejó parte de el afuera.
ChamanCaido 24/11/2018 16:38:00Si, pero en la novelizacion Buu dijo que sabía la contra, es mas, Tien no sabía que existia una contra-mafuba.
JoKar1007 25/11/2018 19:19:04¿Y donde lo encerrara?
Forofgold 17/06/2021 01:13:51Si deberían poder volver a encerrarlo, aparentemente a Jr le tomo un rato aprender la contrarrestracion, pero Daimao es cuidadoso, seguramente dejaría a Harp como su guardaespaldas, así que sería prácticamente imposible volver a ganar.
Ap0caliptic0t0tal 19/12/2023 03:48:24Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : Gregoreo
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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