Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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1:Sneak up on oponent from behind
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 13/07/2021 22:33:362:Loudly announce your attack, giving away your location
Even worse when you tell your opponent that your attack could cut them in half.
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 17/07/2021 20:08:41Equipo
lol that is not fair... it's always like that in that kind of manga, fighter always screem their attacks
Demerzel 19/07/2021 22:59:57Equipo
Have you seen Fate Zero? (Highly recommend it, best animation i've ever seen)
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 20/07/2021 00:27:52In the final fight both fighters dont say a word to each other. Not even a greeting. They just try to kill each other using every trick in the book.
THAT is how fights should be
well I do not discuss on how they should be, but how they are dealt with in a lot of manga like Dragon ball
Demerzel 20/07/2021 00:46:52Equipo
Yeah... Dragonball kinda set the standard for most shonen back in the day.
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 20/07/2021 01:22:06Point taken though
Reminds me of Slam Dunk manga: in the final seconds of the final matches there isn´t a single dialogue... it´s just pure epicness.
Chewys 20/07/2021 02:33:49Autor
Thank you all for your support!!!
Chewys 17/07/2021 15:54:18
Isn't it faster for yamcha to just fly over the horizon to where the moon is
kcheeb 18/07/2021 03:07:49Autor
Ha, didn't think about it. Although it would be More or less the same, i think the temple is pretty fast.
Chewys 18/07/2021 16:49:32Equipo
Isn't it faster to use their magical teleporting carpet.
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 20/07/2021 01:23:18You know, like they've been doing.
Dont they have like, a spare? xD
Nope... also, that´s Mr. Popo´s carpet. He ain´t gonna use it to bring Kami into danger!!!
Chewys 20/07/2021 02:38:56