Autor : Chewys
Equipo : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Versión original: Español
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Very confusing the power levels.Earlier his statement showed he was 175000 and now his statement shows 196000.The fake moon sure uses alot of energy.Took away almost 10% of all his power.
MightyB 12/12/2021 01:34:15Autor
Yep. The idea should be they are well above 150k, and not so far from 200k.
Chewys 12/12/2021 16:42:29Android 14: brags about being 7 times stronger
Jason Phoenix 12/12/2021 23:46:35Us: know Oozaroo gives a 10 times multiplier more or less
Also Us: "
I think there's some inconsistency here, I thought chichi power lvl is 20k (comparable to krillin kaioken x2), and a-14 said he was 7x that
kcheeb 13/12/2021 06:24:39Now he says he is 7x of 28k
I think it was a little translation issue. He said he was More than 7 times stronger than her.
Chewys 13/12/2021 12:07:25She Is around 24k, he Is around 180k and Tao Is around 210k.
Dragon Ball multiverse page 1713. The Great Ape/Oozaru form is a x2 multiplier in Dragon Ball Multiverse, not x10. But this is cool so whatever
DualMonty 13/12/2021 16:46:39Autor
Well, x2 some lame ass low class saiyan pherhaps... But this is prince fookin Vegeta turning ozaru here. And ma'boy said he was ten times stronger in the manga so he Will be ten fookin times stronger in this lame ass fancomic.
Chewys 13/12/2021 23:24:19I have a feeling that Haarp's idea might backfire a bit. He forgets that ChiChi/A-11 is stronger than him and Krillin combined without any Kaioken multipliers! They might have to fight her first in order to completely escape.
Ultimate-Perfection 14/12/2021 01:37:31Haarp way stronger than chichi
kcheeb 14/12/2021 03:02:03i dont know where they believe ape form is x2.Any power level from anyone will give you goku at 10 and 100 ape first time.And vegeta 18000 and 180000 ape.I dont think anywere in the manga do they say its x2 or x10 unless i missed it.Vegeta does say it in the anime.Daizenshuu 7 last book Dragon Ball encyclopedia has goku 10 and ape 100.Akira Toriyama, Daizenshuu 7, 1996
MightyB 14/12/2021 06:32:01