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7 comentarios
Zeromus 3

An Ambush !

Zeromus 08/12/2022 15:27:33   
Rahvu 7

Well Broly bites the dust..

Rahvu 08/12/2022 16:53:41   
Ouroboros 28

sweet we are getting the clenching of sayian trash sooner then the orginal source

Ouroboros 09/12/2022 22:54:14   
MaddoxX 1

that is bad blood artstyle.

MaddoxX 09/12/2022 22:54:38   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

I love the concept of Broly becoming a Mad King before he dies like what we got in the official version of U3 in DBM, but I gotta say that I love this version of his death better than the official DBM U3 death by carbonite.

Chewys ha dicho:
Yo Chewys, well done coming up with this version of Broly's death. This was pretty much I guess what one might call Unkarmic Revenge (yes, I just coined that phrase).

Broly killing the Frost Demons was a Karmic Justice with one evil killing another evil and well their ghosts returning was a reverse of the Karmic Justice aka an Unkarmic Revenge. And well I love that. Again well done Chewys; very well done actually.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 09/12/2022 22:54:50   
Chewys 31

Glad You liked it Kor!!!

Chewys 10/12/2022 00:34:41   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

You're welcome. A great/easy way to have a Broly die. Sure I didn't like him not being King first, but hey a great thing about the Multiverse is that there is a version of U3 where he became King before dying to an unexpected sucker punch double team kill attack from Ghosts Frieza and Cooler. It just likely hasn't been drawn yet unless someone else came up with the idea before me and drew it already.

Hell since I've mentioned it and I've already come up with the scenario for it working, I guess I might as well share it with you and everyone else.

So as follows is how I see it going down:
Kor ha dicho:King Broly is enjoying one of his many feasts as we saw him having in the official DBM U3 on page 1492 when he was challenged for the throne by Vegeta. Though that doesn't happen at this particular feast. No instead, one of the Saiyans not attending the banquet rushes into the banquet hall clearly very riled up and looking like he's staring the Grim Reaper in the eyes. The Saiyan, let's call him Salsi (after salsify), ends up frantically telling Broly that he's never gonna believe it, but King Cold has appeared alive on the central main planet of the former Cold Empire, Planet Cold 1. Not only that, but he made a statement to the Universe on Intergalactic TV that the former news about King Broly killing him was complete and utter fake news as obviously he is alive and well before the news reporter.

Enraged King Broly blows up the head of the unfortunate messenger, Salsi. He then screams the name Scorz at the top of his lungs. One of the guards outside the banquet hall then comes rushing in and says, "Yes, what it is it that you require of me my King?"

Broly says, "Go tell the Space Control Center immediately in person to prepare my spacepod immediately and set the coordinates for Planet Cold 1 as soon as possible."

Scorz just about to tell Broly that such information could be faster transmitted to them via Scouter, but he then notices the headless body of Salsi next to him and decides against it. He then heads out of the room and as he starts to fly towards the Space Control Center, he transmits the message via Scouter so they could start preparing King Broly's Spacepod immediately even before he were to arrive there.

Later when King Broly arrives at Planet Cold 1, he tries to find King Cold, but he can't find him until he heads towards King Cold's half destroyed palace that he himself had previously wrecked during his battle against King Cold. Sure enough as he heads towards the throne from the skies above the palace, he can see through the broken roof of the throne room that King Cold is smugly drinking a glass of wine while sitting on the throne.

King Broly screams in rage at the impossible site before him and just as he's about to turn into his LSSJ form, both Frieza and Cooler take him out exactly like we saw on this page of your comic, Chewys.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 10/12/2022 21:45:43   
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Sobre el equipo de DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: portada




Autor :

Equipo : , , , ,

Traducido por : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Versión original: Español

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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