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babee 15

Fox stacey is sweat with that Cat paws!

babee 25/11/2011 01:01:04   
Ruleslemanga 29

Thanks ! In the original page, there is writting "Cat-tun" between cat paws ^^ The translator forgot it, but it's nothing "Cat-tun", because "Cat", about paws, and "Kat-tun" is the name of an asian boys band ^^

Ruleslemanga 01/12/2011 19:54:20   
babee 15

Ruleslemanga ha dicho:Thanks ! In the original page, there is writting "Cat-tun" between cat paws ^^ The translator forgot it, but it's nothing "Cat-tun", because "Cat", about paws, and "Kat-tun" is the name of an asian boys band ^^ mmm...okidoki!

babee 02/12/2011 02:04:48   
Ruleslemanga 29

babee ha dicho:Ruleslemanga ha dicho:Thanks ! In the original page, there is writting "Cat-tun" between cat paws ^^ The translator forgot it, but it's nothing "Cat-tun", because "Cat", about paws, and "Kat-tun" is the name of an asian boys band ^^ mmm...okidoki!


Ruleslemanga 02/12/2011 18:57:20   
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Autor : , ,

Equipo : , , , , , ,

Traducido por : abby19

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: diario

Tipo : manga

Género : Acción


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