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Red Rainbow

Red Rainbow : comic portada

This is a story of a post war city, where the remaining cultures joined forces to
bring life back to the planet, to bring back their old lives...

Dibujante :

Colaborador :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Acción

Tipo : Cómics
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

16 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Bellatrice Bellatrice 11feb ch1 p6 Is it the end ? :(
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11feb ch1 p5 There are many french readers. :D "Setin" is the little kid with blond hair, isn't it?
Bellatrice Bellatrice 11feb ch1 p3 An orange sky ? Goooosh... The end of the world \o/ Good decors (especially windows).
NatsuDragneel NatsuDragneel 18oct ch1 p6 I like the style !
Mart Mart 16oct ch1 p3 That's a nice view!
Gaara Gaara 14oct ch1 p1 Mysterious, I wonder what's behind ;)
Makarov Makarov 14oct ch1 p1 Wow you'vge got style !!!
DMAps DMAps 14oct ch1 p6 your comic is amazing, i awaiting for the rest, enjoy.^^ thanks a lot for the kind words Oizofu, hope you stay around, its always (...)
DMAps DMAps 14oct ch1 p6 thanks a lot for the kind words Oizofu, hope you stay around, its always nice when you got suport :DDDD
DMAps DMAps 14oct ch1 p5 interesting style :). Do you plan to translate it to french ? honestly, I would love to translate this to every language, but I ca (...)
DMAps DMAps 14oct ch1 p5 The black magician card... it reminds me Yu-Gi-oh *-* WAAA? yu-gi-oh? no no this is something that i came up on my own U_U xD ye (...)
DMAps DMAps 14oct ch1 p1 amazing cover !!! thaks a lot IchigoKurosaki, but im thinking about re-making it :D
IchigoKurosaki IchigoKurosaki 14oct ch1 p1 amazing cover !!!
NatsuDragneel NatsuDragneel 14oct ch1 p5 interesting style :). Do you plan to translate it to french ?
Oizofu Oizofu 13oct ch1 p6 your comic is amazing, i awaiting for the rest, enjoy.^^
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