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DRAGONBALL AT9 : manga portada

A majin named Meiji falls through a portal in time landing in a timeline where Goku never came to earth! Meiji will make new friends as well as new enemies! Will he get home? Find out!

Hey come support the comic on my patreon!


Guionista :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

39 Comentarios en las páginas de DRAGONBALL AT9

TrunKs.Crow TrunKs.Crow 27ago ch2 p4 Cada cuanto tiempo se publica?
frank. frank. 31may ch1 p30 aqui creo q uvo un error ya que los androides no saben quienes eran antes por lo tanto ellios se llaman a11, a12 y a13 si no me eq (...)
frank. frank. 31may ch1 p5 la historia va genial y is no me equivoco esta historia se remonta en el univers de una tierra sin goku antes de la llegada de nap (...)

39 comentarios en otros idiomas.

mechaman mechaman 23jul ch1 p2 the beginning of a story. ;)
PowerPrintProxy PowerPrintProxy 24jul ch1 p2 What is this?
Chewys Chewys 5jun ch2 p5 Ohhh Chichi.... if you only knew...
Chewys Chewys 5jun ch2 p4 Loved this fight!!
Chewys Chewys 5jun ch2 p2 Nice move Meiji!!
Chewys Chewys 5jun ch1 p24 Amazing art in this page!
mechaman mechaman 19sep ch2 p6 Hola lectores tengo algunas noticias. Voy a hacer una pausa debido a una falta de fondos por mi parte. Ustedes pueden ver que lo q (...)
Kell Brower Kell Brower 31may ch2 p2 So Blue kept his psychic power after becoming a cyborg!! GREAT *o*
mechaman mechaman 30abr ch2 p1 Hello readers! Please support the comic, your help would really be appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/mechadapitstudios?fan_ (...)
Ouroboros Ouroboros 26mar ch1 p27 King Pic;s is not a milestone anymore buddy ^^
mechaman mechaman 22feb ch1 p25 Hello readers! Please support the comic, your help would really be appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/mechadapitstudios?fan_ (...)
Kell Brower Kell Brower 17feb ch1 p21 The other languages have a different page than the english one
mechaman mechaman 17feb ch1 p24 I fixed it!
Kell Brower Kell Brower 12feb ch1 p15 mechaman, I can't find the English version of this and the previous page
Kell Brower Kell Brower 12feb ch1 p24 A group of fighter with an evil leader... O_O Android during the Sayan saga!!! ^o^ ^u^ BTW, where are Yamcha' scars?
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