Autor : Europale98, Tsubaki de Vela, mista, Atalante, Ouv, BigFire
Equipo : diogo, Elramis, Aledileo, Absalom, BK-81, melow, Anubis, mista, vincentlenga
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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There has been some problem either exporting the file OR uploading
TroyB 02/04/2011 11:09:21But since only black war has these weird stuff... I think you should check the quality of your export Ouv
TroyB ha dicho:There has been some problem either exporting the file OR uploading
TroyB 02/04/2011 16:06:15But since only black war has these weird stuff... I think you should check the quality of your export Ouv
Ouv corrected that, looks better