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LEGACY OF DRYCE : comic portada


Hay leyendas que son contadas, pero hay otras que deben ser contadas pero nunca ocurrieron. La leyenda de Dryce es sobre redención, venganza, esperanza, y temor. La misión de Dryce para redimir el nombre de su familia colisionara con la ambición de Freezer.


Dibujante :

Traductor :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : Cómics
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

38 comentarios en otros idiomas.

ebilly ebilly 6dic ch6 p1 Hey it's been a bit, but I have been busy. A new comic (TMNTs6) and of course the adventures of Dryce. Spoilders, the buu arc is (...)
ebilly ebilly 31may ch5 p8 So every guess what, comic is going to hand drawn now.
ebilly ebilly 12may ch4 p16 Because of real world situations, and internet providers who are jerks this is the end of legacy of Dryce. It's sad I had so much (...)
ebilly ebilly 15abr ch4 p4 DB super, Heroes victory.
ebilly ebilly 15abr ch4 p5 Also all art from db super, DB U3-9 and DB Heroes victory
ebilly ebilly 15abr ch4 p5 This is an older example of Everion's art.
ebilly ebilly 5abr ch4 p2 Hey guys, yes both of you... I am doing fine and this isn't about me but a friend, CHewys. If you want to support and help t (...)
Chewys Chewys 23mar ch1 p3 Ahhhh, that Freezer. You scum
ebilly ebilly 23mar ch3 p2 Guys serious question, would you rather have a whole chapter released every month or a page every other day? I can do one or the o (...)
Setne Setne 20mar ch3 p1 U r sick man xD
ebilly ebilly 19mar ch3 p8 Coolers revenge rips Tree of might rips DBH victory and DBZ
ebilly ebilly 19mar ch3 p7 Coolers revenge rips Tree of might rips DBH victory and DBZ
ebilly ebilly 19mar ch3 p6 Coolers revenge rips Tree of might rips DBH victory and DBZ
ebilly ebilly 19mar ch3 p5 Coolers revenge rips Tree of might rips DBH victory and DBZ
ebilly ebilly 19mar ch3 p4 Tree of might rips and One piece
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