Men's curiosity led them to look for other worlds and accidentally open a portal to another dimension letting terrifying monsters called World Eaters to enter our world. A group of hunters called beastmasters risk their life everyday to fight these creatures and protect mankind. Tobias who live in a peaceful village away from attack of World Eaters dream to be a beastmaster even his father opposed him and will discover that such career is not easy as he and his friend Joab think.
Dibujante : LyonArt
Versión original : English
Actualizado en : En pausa
Género : Acción
Tipo : Cómics - Saga
(Manga (lectura de derecha a izquierda))
Número de lecturas por hora
Páginas publicadas English: 52
Número de lectores: 24189
Promedio de lectores por día: 65
Número de comentarios: 5
5 comentarios en otros idiomas.