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Sin Eternal

Sin Eternal : manga portada

A mini battle manga I'm doing of a game I'm making. A ex-clansmen battle over who should take over their disbanded group.

Dibujante :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Tipo : manga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

5 comentarios en otros idiomas.

mbuma mbuma 31mar ch1 p22 Yosh! Good work... The drawing is quite precise. A few comments tho: I must say I haven't understood everything about the story... (...)
Montai Montai 22nov ch1 p10 I think I'll do that. I wanna just remaster everything .
Montai Montai 22nov ch1 p19 Nice work :) If you upload a "For Translation" version (with empty balloons) our members could translate your manga in many diffe (...)
fikiri fikiri 15nov ch1 p19 Nice work :) If you upload a "For Translation" version (with empty balloons) our members could translate your manga in many diffe (...)
TroyB TroyB 25oct ch1 p10 It's an interesting start Montai ! You should present yourself on the message board ;). Ah and if possible, upload images of bet (...)



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Páginas publicadas English: 22

Número de lectores: 50144

Promedio de lectores por día: 31

Número de comentarios: 5

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