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Kor the Legendary Kami 2

Shon: "The teacher being a Lesbian is definitely permenentified with this page. For one she undressed Adrien Amilova and redressed her w/o her permission since there is no way Amilova did it herself since she was in Daymare-land having a Daymare about how she would never be Hugo's girl again and how she was probably never gonna see him again. Undressing another girl w/o asking first just SCREAMS 'I'm a Lesbian and I don't care what you think about me being a Lesbian because I am and I will soon enough make you realize that you are also one too.' Not to mention there is also that very I wanna suck your blood vampiric look on the teacher's face almost every time she is in the same room with Adrien Amilova. These two things and the soon to come nude shower scene prove my point.

I just hope that the nude scene shown happens to allow more to be shown with hopefully sex scenes involving Adrien and the teacher getting down and dirty in bed together. I totally hope those are also uncensored like the imagined shower scene where that Adrien imagined when she was asked by her teacher to take a shower with her. Heck a shower sex scene would be pretty cool ya know. It'd be nice as well as funny since that is the one she imagines and looks like she is totally against it while imagining it."

Kor the Legendary Kami 28/02/2011 11:53:41   
DanB 2


What the hell is going on?

DanB 16/03/2011 12:12:21   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

DanB ha dicho:But...

What the hell is going on?

Shon: "Sorry about the Spoilers. I forgot to provide the proper Spoiler Alert. My bad, I'll make sure to avoid forgetting the Spoiler Alert in the future. I hope you can forgive me."

Kor the Legendary Kami 21/03/2011 09:22:29   
DanB 2

Kor the Legendary Kami ha dicho:DanB ha dicho:But...

What the hell is going on?

Shon: "Sorry about the Spoilers. I forgot to provide the proper Spoiler Alert. My bad, I'll make sure to avoid forgetting the Spoiler Alert in the future. I hope you can forgive me."

I wasn't pissed at you. I was giving suggestions for changes to the dialogue.

DanB 21/03/2011 09:55:52   
Kor the Legendary Kami 2

DanB ha dicho:Kor the Legendary Kami ha dicho:DanB ha dicho:But...What the hell is going on?Shon: "Sorry about the Spoilers. I forgot to provide the proper Spoiler Alert. My bad, I'll make sure to avoid forgetting the Spoiler Alert in the future. I hope you can forgive me." I wasn't pissed at you. I was giving suggestions for changes to the dialogue.

Shon: "Oh I see. My bad, well anyways it seems that your suggestion was taken."

Kor the Legendary Kami 07/05/2011 22:08:52   
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