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5089 visitas
5 comentarios
Super Mario 1

I really your comics man, there is a huge potential, can't wait to have the next pages.

So you've my full support

Super Mario 09/03/2012 17:38:14   
Sool 15

I liked you FB page man . Very cool manga looking forwoard to read more pages

Sool 10/03/2012 15:49:47   
Sool 15

btw Mustayaki some artists are displaying their facebook page on the side bar of Amilova, I think it is possible to configure this in your admin interface

Sool 10/03/2012 15:51:07   
mbuma 23

Very good begiining with original style and story! Waiting for more!

mbuma 31/03/2012 17:14:53   

sad you don't continue here man

DRAGONBALLZ 06/06/2012 11:34:57   
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