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The Heart of Earth

The Heart of Earth : comic portada

Una historia de dragones, amor y aventuras...

Dibujante :

Traductor :

Versión original : English

Actualizado en : En pausa

Género : Fantasía - SF

Tipo : Cómics - Saga
(Cómics occidentales (lectura de izquierda a derecha))

1262 Comentarios en las páginas de The Heart of Earth

Mohamet Mohamet 8feb ch1 p1 Looking forward to the next chapters. It's excellent
xicomontes xicomontes 9abr ch2 p1 This whole chapter is wonderful! I love these character designs and the way you use lights
xicomontes xicomontes 9abr ch1 p13 I love this page!
Balrog_7 Balrog_7 7jun ch5 p11 Por Favor!!, Saquen mas capítulos esto está copado!!!! :D
fredcol fredcol 18sep ch1 p1 wow je mate la traduction et le contenu des bulles n' apparait pas, quelqu'un sait pourquoi :question:
fireangel fireangel 10sep ch5 p11 A DESTRUIR! WOHU!!!!! A DESTRUIR, GENIAL!!!! :DGENIAL!!!!!
fireangel fireangel 10sep ch3 p26 noo!!! pobresito!!! O.O
fireangel fireangel 10sep ch3 p20 JAJAJAJAJAJAJA MORTAL!!!! :D
fireangel fireangel 18feb ch3 p12 jeje me gusto mucho :D fue entretenido todo, espero leer mas :D
Creeperator Creeperator 2feb ch3 p2 No se como me ha echo reír jajaja
Creeperator Creeperator 16sep ch1 p25 La historia se pone interesante, seguiré esperando mas capítulos
YonYonYon YonYonYon 15sep ch3 p12 Welcome! It'll be faster to read in english xD
Lixato Lixato 15sep ch3 p12 Woah, thank you for your quickly answer. Now I have two choices: Read in english or wait a translator xD
YonYonYon YonYonYon 15sep ch3 p12 Nope, just nobody translated it. I'm updating not regularly, but this comic is still alive

1262 comentarios en otros idiomas.

Sanahan Sanahan 18oct ch1 p4 Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! is a game you can play whenever you want right in the browser. The rules of (...)
Iol Iol 12sep ch3 p7 Meu non!!!!
Iol Iol 12sep ch3 p5 Me ne manger pas?:D :D :D les cannibales existe dans ce monde?
Ombrear Ombrear 9may ch6 p2 j a dore ce filme!
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 15sep ch1 p6 ah, the real main character :)
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 15sep ch1 p2 Amazingly drawn
This....IS MY BOOMSTICK This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 15sep ch6 p2 This looks great man, hope you continue at some point
NuageDeFoudre NuageDeFoudre 22abr ch5 p6 Qui va remplacer eren pour poutré du titan
NuageDeFoudre NuageDeFoudre 22abr ch2 p5 L'image est d'une beauté difficile à trouver de nos jours et possède un petit côté enfantin
Lycaon Omega Lycaon Omega 15mar ch6 p2 Tu bluffes Martoni, ton arme n'est pas chargée! Enfin ce serait plutôt: Bon ça suffit! je compte 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 et puis PAF! J (...)
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 21feb ch6 p2 il dit qu'il voit pas le rapport..
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 21feb ch6 p1 No problem , thanks for your work ^^
YonYonYon YonYonYon 21feb ch6 p2 Sorry, the page should be fixed now
YonYonYon YonYonYon 21feb ch6 p1 oh no, oh damn, fixing it now thanks for pointing it out
alrickdrinkson alrickdrinkson 20feb ch6 p1 (you just posted the same page twice )
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