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maxisofi 1

that's very interesting, thanks for sharing !!!! I like very much to know how things have been illustrated, where the creation comes from... !

maxisofi 18/03/2011 19:28:34   
Ouv 29

maxisofi ha dicho:that's very interesting, thanks for sharing !!!! I like very much to know how things have been illustrated, where the creation comes from... !
I love it too. It´s always nice to see the process behind a story. Troy told me the readers might be interested in the "making of" Black War. I went back to my files and realized We had a lot to show. So here it is :-)

Ouv 18/03/2011 20:45:21   
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Sobre el equipo de Black War - Artworks

Black War - Artworks: portada




Autor : , ,

Versión original: Français

Ritmo de lanzamiento: Martes, Sábado

Tipo : manga

Género : Ilustraciones - Artworks

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