Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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The more I read this the more envious I get at Gogeta Jr's drawing
Thegreatsaiyaman 26/05/2011 00:59:29one bubble is missing its words on this page
lifeshallend 06/09/2011 04:41:37lifeshallend ha dicho:one bubble is missing its words on this page
MALEM 06/09/2011 11:28:00Problem Fixed thanks for reporting.
MALEM ha dicho:lifeshallend ha dicho:one bubble is missing its words on this page
TroyB 06/09/2011 17:29:37Problem Fixed thanks for reporting.
Yeah thanks lifeshallend for reporting, thanks Malem for answering
It's thanks to your feedbacks that we can improve the comics
New coloring of the page done
Drawly 06/10/2011 10:35:09Do the stars play an important role later on in the manga? I have to be curious.....
TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight 19/03/2013 16:19:53