Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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This page is full of misteries, don't you think
TroyB 11/06/2011 11:44:58Appart from "who is this guy ?" the question has to be "who is this guy with a tatoo that looks familiar"
What are your suggestions
Nice flowers ...
XplosiX 12/06/2011 02:39:24Autor
XplosiX ha dicho:Nice flowers ...
TroyB 08/09/2011 12:09:51So now that you've read more about the story and you know who he really is... what's your feelinf Xplosix
Fowers? in your beard?! i can't tell is that's cool or stupid =/
Thegreatsaiyaman 12/06/2011 19:14:35Autor
Thegreatsaiyaman ha dicho:Fowers? in your beard?! i can't tell is that's cool or stupid =/

TroyB 14/06/2011 08:51:55Well, next page you have a hint that will help you decide if Bardaff is cool or stupid