Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Wow He is (was) crazy
Hoshi 11/04/2011 16:36:15did he work in a Circus? XD athlethic daughter!
BK-81 11/04/2011 19:48:15That confirms my theory that her parents are some kind of artists, in this case some kind of circus performers.
MALEM 11/04/2011 21:42:50LOLCAT FTW, ok it's official : I'm going to send these pages to Look at that face dammit.
Wow Amilova was a natural born ninja... indeed
Thegreatsaiyaman 12/04/2011 04:08:30Poor flying cat doesn't seem to enjoy himself as much as Ami ^.^
Esteryn 25/09/2011 16:34:06lol thw cat
Scott Knight 11/11/2012 05:31:17She is so acrobatic in a sence....
TheDifferenceBetweenRightandRight 19/03/2013 15:47:42hes crazy
typingty 10/07/2013 18:19:56