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7 comentarios
Bahamute 2

Very cool! I liked the last panel!

Bahamute 28/04/2011 15:39:57   
TroyB 41

Bahamute ha dicho:Very cool... Like the last panel.
Thanks for the nice comment Bahamute, glad you like it !

TroyB 28/04/2011 15:25:24   
TroyB 41


I have one good and one bad news !

The good is that we finally managed to print our first Amilova Book !!!!
All infos there !!! + pictures ! It looks amazing, we are super happy !!!

The bad news : for now the book is in french .

Once the international community will be big enough, you have my word that we'll also make splendid english versions !!!

Amilova is still "new"... and we already managed to go there...
Thanks for your support !!!

TroyB 28/04/2011 15:28:14   
Adrian 1


I have one good and one bad news !

The good is that we finally managed to print our first Amilova Book !!!!
All infos there !!! + pictures ! It looks amazing, we are super happy !!!
Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!
The bad news : for now the book is in french .

Once the international community will be big enough, you have my word that we'll also make splendid english versions !!!

Amilova is still "new"... and we already managed to go there...
Thanks for your support !!!
Adrian Her mom is so hot it makes me horny and I get a boner I wish they would post her naked so I can make her my wallpaper and lick the screen

Adrian 29/04/2011 02:05:06   
Thegreatsaiyaman 3

He suited up for great justice! this man is now not only respected by me but also I shall have him becoem my mentor!

Thegreatsaiyaman 29/04/2011 01:00:55   
Eddie Nash 6

Hehe. Now we know where she learned those moves with her coat.

Eddie Nash 06/07/2014 04:51:03   
MicroWolf 2


MicroWolf 10/07/2013 22:53:19   
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