Autor : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Equipo : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Traducido por : TroyB
Versión original: Français
Ritmo de lanzamiento: Domingo
Tipo : manga
Género : Acción
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Emo daddy :P
blade1992 31/05/2011 17:48:05blade1992 ha dicho:Emo daddy :P
McLeod 01/06/2011 11:17:26looool was thinking the same... "GO CRY EMODAD"
blade1992 ha dicho:Emo daddy :P
ceco1 01/06/2011 16:46:10so its a good thing, that he dies, because Amilova will be weak if he stays :-D
ceco1 ha dicho:blade1992 ha dicho:Emo daddy :P
Thegreatsaiyaman 04/06/2011 02:51:46so its a good thing, that he dies, because Amilova will be weak if he stays :-D you villian how dare you hope for the death of a hero >:O
he < agod pececo1 ha dicho:blade1992 ha dicho:Emo daddy undefined
Harpedseal43 16/07/2011 18:01:33so its a good thing, that he dies, because Amilova will be weak if he stays :-D he's a good person holding on to a ideal that is not weak it is a strenth to be able to belive in somthing greater then your self
GG guys !!!
Gluttony 01/06/2011 20:16:17this is somehow a nice page :P like it xD
MortzenS 01/06/2011 22:37:18hm, strange.
derp 02/06/2011 02:14:03Awesome fullpage !!
Kamisama 02/06/2011 18:56:31From this day forth this page will be known as JUSTICEtears.Jpeg upload this to every meme page to make it so
Thegreatsaiyaman 02/06/2011 22:51:26Equipo
New color of page 38 is uploaded ^^
Drawly 17/10/2011 13:23:12This right here could be the reason I hesitate about having a child. Having them come into this corrupt world - is a frightening thought!
Madkarly 13/11/2012 00:25:09Love
MicroWolf 10/07/2013 23:07:01