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9 comentarios
gianna 4

Jajaja..."Make "bip bip bip" and explode" is an option!!!!

gianna 10/04/2011 02:29:05   
Salagir 32

I'm totally sorry guys, I forgot the end of the translation of this page ! It's done now.
Sorry sorry

Salagir 11/04/2011 10:03:08   
johandark 34

It would have been much better in the penultimate bullet point to: "Answer" Sorry but there has been a technical problem. You must restart the operating system, it´s common do not to worry ... "Mocosoft. "

johandark 13/04/2011 01:26:36   
Salagir 32

Poor poor MS

Salagir 13/04/2011 11:21:30   
ceco1 6

oo nice, the power level checker has social functionality.
You and 10 921 others like this!

ceco1 11/04/2011 10:11:37   
Bahamute 2

This page is very funny.
Especially the last frame.

Bahamute 11/04/2011 16:03:28   
gianna 4

Now I can understand it better!!

gianna 13/04/2011 00:20:10   
kittysweet 1

Duh. It's you. LOL

kittysweet 02/04/2012 07:02:22   
Dragonsoul 1


Dragonsoul 26/10/2017 19:26:45   
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