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a3thethird 2

I don't know why i just have an urge to save baby's lol u guys are great at this. Keep up the good work.

a3thethird 28/05/2011 19:37:09   
Stretch 1

I see Onix, Pikachu, Naruto, Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, King Koopa, Koopas, Mushrooms, Luffy, Jiggly Puff, Smokey the Bear, Hulk, Ghost Rider, some Goombas, Yoda and Salagir in the background

Stretch 28/05/2011 20:26:19   
XplosiX 2

Stretch ha dicho:I see Onix, Pikachu, Naruto, Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, King Koopa, Koopas, Mushrooms, Luffy, Jiggly Puff, Smokey the Bear, Hulk, Ghost Rider, some Goombas, Yoda and Salagir in the background
Nice! Didn't notice that the first time!

XplosiX 04/06/2011 00:25:59   
zihark 1

lol at the spectators

zihark 28/05/2011 22:57:22   
Tyree Wilson 1

wow i need to througe up it's awsome no here just

Tyree Wilson 29/05/2011 01:03:45   
Cole 2

Jeee I wonder whyyyy he would have an urge to save babies. xDD

I do wonder if Mario Goku will ever ride on him hahaha. That would be amusing though I can't imagine how that would go down. xD

And that is THE BEST SPECTATOR AUDIENCE EVER. Seriously. Love all the crossovers! Definitely beats having just a bunch of colored dots that resemble people.

And rofl where that speech bubble is located in the last panel, it could be seen as Darth Vader saying it since his fist is fist-pumping his lightsaber.

Cole 29/05/2011 12:08:09   
Thessbmzocker 1

i see a boss of Mario bros 2...near ruffy...mauser was his name i think.....and near naruto...is that a lego person?!?This is a really awesome comic/manga crossoverxDDD

Thessbmzocker 29/05/2011 12:27:32   
XplosiX 2

I wonder who Wario is gonne be in this comic!

XplosiX 04/06/2011 00:25:17   
infernoman_34 1

Thank u, You guys just made life a little sweeter.
glad i found this comic.

infernoman_34 04/06/2011 11:47:32   
William Carrasco 2

did anyone notice salagir in the last panel

William Carrasco 08/12/2011 01:05:46   
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