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3723 visitas
3 comentarios
TroyB 41

Again, very very cool !
But your style seems to be pretty different than the one you have on "ARKHAM".
Is it because you've illustrated them at different times ?

TroyB 01/04/2011 18:10:14   
johandark 34

mmm not exactly... the truth is that I´m still not knowing how to draw right... I was proving different styles. (in arkham i added 3D buildings to prove it. it´s gonna be seen later.

Thanks for your comment

johandark 01/04/2011 18:12:49   
TroyB 41

johandark ha dicho:mmm not exactly... the truth is that I´m still not knowing how to draw right... I was proving different styles. (in arkham i added 3D buildings to prove it. it´s gonna be seen later.

Thanks for your comment

Oooh I didn't get that you added 3d stuff in Arkham ^^
Well, now I got it .
Thanks for the explanation .

TroyB 02/04/2011 11:04:37   
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