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Salagir 32

Lots of dynamism, I like !

Salagir 03/04/2011 21:21:03   
johandark 34

Thanks... I hope you could see the next 17 pages because are gonna have more dynamism jeje

johandark 03/04/2011 23:39:06   
TroyB 41

Very cool !!!
For the french pages of Dark Heroes and Arkham, don't worry, it's coming .

TroyB 04/04/2011 07:54:18   
johandark 34


johandark 04/04/2011 12:10:46   
maxhim 4

We r w8ting 4 de French pages.
Good job Johandark!

maxhim 04/04/2011 13:49:58   
johandark 34

Well ... anyway ... Throughout this chapter of "Dark Heroes" during the first 30 pages ... really There is not much text ... everything is "pure"action. Orc swords and bows. The other one "Arkham" really interests me to be translated because that does have a lot more text. At least the first chapter.

johandark 04/04/2011 14:02:44   
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