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7 comentarios
johandark 34

I don´t know why... but all this chapter had been deleted... so there are no old comment... (all had been deleted). That´s really pitty

But i hope to have new comments again...

johandark 09/05/2011 16:32:50   
heheh 1

Super nice comic, your drawing skills are awesome

heheh 10/05/2011 14:33:09   
johandark 34

thank you ^^

johandark 10/05/2011 17:31:19   
johandark 34

... What the hell hapened with the dark heroes in french? :S I´m getting crazy xD

johandark 10/05/2011 17:42:51   
dragonou 1

Yay !!! FIiiiiiight !!!

dragonou 10/05/2011 19:51:10   
a100g60 1

I just love his face on the last pic ! Good job JohanDark !

a100g60 10/05/2011 21:38:01   
Ki11er 1

You have done a great job with the speed ilussion man.

Ki11er 01/07/2011 21:11:10   
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