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5 comentarios
Gluttony 1

I feel improvement in your style, GG !

Gluttony 13/05/2011 20:18:14   
johandark 34

jeje well because there were lapsus of time between pages because i was doing a 3D shortFilm while i was drawing this comic and Arkham. jeje

Thanks for your comments people

johandark 13/05/2011 21:04:47   
WhateverNevermind 1

Excellent illstration, amazing job !!!

WhateverNevermind 13/05/2011 20:37:41   
IchigoKurosaki 1

Just awesome... Unicorn ROCK lol !!!

IchigoKurosaki 13/05/2011 20:54:02   
shicajacs 2

The third picture is a bit weird ... for the rest of the page the truth is that it works!

shicajacs 13/05/2011 21:33:15   
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