As some of you may have noticed the influence for this city was the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Hope you like it.
Mart15/03/2012 11:45:56
lig4704/01/2013 19:31:13
17 Autor
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Mart04/01/2013 22:53:12
It's just that i am brazilian and i didn't realize that this scene would have any connection with something as the favelas of Rio xD.
And when you said it i realized that it was kinda obvious but i haven't connected one thing to another xD.
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As some of you may have noticed the influence for this city was the favelas in Rio de Janeiro. Hope you like it.
Mart 15/03/2012 11:45:56lol.
lig47 04/01/2013 19:31:13Autor
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Mart 04/01/2013 22:53:12It's just that i am brazilian and i didn't realize that this scene would have any connection with something as the favelas of Rio xD.
lig47 04/01/2013 23:12:43And when you said it i realized that it was kinda obvious but i haven't connected one thing to another xD.
I guessed that much
Mart 05/01/2013 01:03:21